Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How much is your time really worth?

How to put a price tag on your time? The government says your time is worth whatever the minimum wage per hour is, but what does that prove? Nothing!

I have Mitochondria Depletion Syndrome and Fibromyalgia and believe me that combination makes my time worth a helluvalot more than $7.25 an hour.

While the average person gets 8 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period, I'm lucky if I'm awake for 8 hours! That makes my time worth way more than the average person's time!

Besides just the fact that my body requires more sleep than most bodies - just to make enough energy to live on, if I do ANYTHING besides just breathe and make my heart beat, I then have to sleep even more to make up for the energy I used up to do something else besides live. 

Now, I've been making doll clothes to sell. If I figure in the cost of the fabric and other sewing items required to construct my masterpiece, what do I charge for my labor? I literally pour my life into my work! Well, I have to admit that I don't charge much for my labor - not even close to minimum wage.

So when my labor of life and love doesn't sell, I am crushed. My sacrifice wasted.


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